How does ScrapCATapp work for the Buyers?
What is the charge for Buyers to make a bid on my scrap catalytic converters?
How does ScrapCATapp work for the Buyers?
What is the charge for Buyers to make a bid on my scrap catalytic converters?
I am glad you asked this question, this allows us to describe what the experience is like for our buyers. This allows the Sellers to see the other side of the transaction.
This question also gives us the opportunity to clarify exactly what our role is in a ScrapCATapp transaction.
This is a great place to start.
First and most important, ScrapCATapp does NOT Buy nor Sell scrap catalytic converters.
What ScrapCATapp does is provide an online auction marketplace for Scrap Catalytic converter buyers and Sellers. And we manage each step of the process to ensure that both parties are protected in a fair and balanced transaction.
Here is the simple answer, Nothing.
The ScrapCATapp website and Online Auction Marketplace is completely free for ALL buyers!
This is one of the most common mistakes buyers make when deciding not to use our site, they feel like there must be some catch or hidden fees, but we assure you, there are no fees for buyers to sign up, get trained, make bids, or buy LOTs of scrap catalytic converters.
We recognized early on that it was going to be tough for some buyers to realize the benefits of our platform so we wanted to make it as easy as possible. We have created a process where buyers can be making bids on your LOTs within 30 minutes of signing up for an account. And, they can do this at absolutely no cost to them.
There are no buyer premiums added to the cost of the auction. If the buyer bids $10,000, the price the buyer pays is $10,000. (When any buyer wins a LOT, there is a flat admin fee of $100 added to the Bid amount – this flat fee is to cover the admin costs of processing the transaction and the money transfers.)
To fully understand, let’s take a step back and walk you through a sample transaction from the buyer’s eyes.
If a buyer is interested in buying scrap catalytic converters via our online auction marketplace, they go through a simple sign up process via our website.
Click here to sign up for a new buyer account.
Once we receive the sign-up request, we verify the buyer’s information, and then we have a short 15-30 minute phone call and online demo to familiarize them with our platform and our process. Once this is done, their account is activated, and they can now view and make bids. There is absolutely no cost or commitment for a buyer to sign up and get this online demo.
Then, when a Seller posts their LOT, all the active buyers in our network get an email that informs them that a specific number of Units, from a specific zip code, are available to be viewed and bid upon. The email also informs them of the due date of the bid. The buyers do not know exactly who is selling the scrap catalytic converters, they only know the number of units, the number of boxes, and the zip code the units are coming from.
To view the Units in the LOT, the buyer logs into their account and accepts the Seller Terms. (These are the conditions that the Seller creates when they post the LOT onto the ScrapCATapp Marketplace.) Once the buyer accepts the Seller’s Terms, they can view the converters and then make a bid on the LOT. There is no cost to do this.
Yes, that is correct. To protect our “ecosystem” and the Sellers, we do qualify the buyers. We make sure they are a legitimate company, etc. But yes, to view your Units and bid on the converters is completely free and can be done with minimal effort.
In addition, we also have a sophisticated online grading/buying tool that is integrated into our system that the buyers can take advantage of when viewing/grading/appraising your Units.
There is no start-up or monthly maintenance fee cost for this tool. And, after the buyer is activated, we will take the time, at no charge, to help buyers upload their categories and prices to our system. Many of our buyers can use this tool to grade between 500-750 Units per hour. This dramatically decreases their overall investment in making bids on your Units!
Some even say they can do up to 1,000!